How Much Car Insurance Do I Need
How much car insurance you need depends on how much coverage you are legally obligated to get, as well as how much coverage you need for your situation. Each state has certain legal requirements for car insurance, and not meeting them can result in negative consequences. Check out our car insurance state guides to see the legal car insurance minimums in your state. Who are the top car insurance companies? The top car insurance companies for customer satisfaction are USAA and Geico . In terms of market share, the top car insurance companies are State Farm , Geico and Progressive . Who has the best car insurance? USAA has the best car insurance, though State Farm is the best car insurance company for people who do not meet USAA’s membership requirements. Who has the cheapest car insurance? USAA has the cheapest car insurance. If you do not qualify for membership with USAA, Geico and State Farm offer ...